TIME: 7PM - 9:30PM
Who We Are.
One Youth is the Youth Ministry of Faith Christian Church, Melbourne Australia. Here at one youth, we do church differently to what it was like back in the day. On Friday nights we party, kick it and talk about our faith. What we believe as Christians hasn’t changed, but the way we present it has. You don’t have to be somebody you’re not at ONE YOUTH, you’re welcome, whoever you are, just as you are.
On any given Friday night you can expect to have one of the craziest nights you’ve ever had. We go all out at ONE YOUTH. Words can’t begin to describe how amazing it is, so you better come down and see for yourself.
If you’re in grade 7 - year 12, come and hang out with us on Fridays. The night starts at 7pm, and finishes at 9:30pm. Entry is normally free unless stated otherwise.
Parent Information
We take safety seriously
At One Youth Vic we take your child’s safety very seriously. You can be certain that your teenagers are in safe hands and in a safe environment at our program.
Our team of leaders and volunteers who are over the age of 18 all have a current working with children’s check as well as a police check. We currently have a 1 leader- 8 teenager ratio and can confidently assure you that while your teenager is in our care they will be looked after and have a great night.
We keep the names of all the teenagers who attend our program on a database and use this as a role system. This is so we know who we have in our care on any given night. If it is your child’s first time attending our program they will fill out a ‘New Person’ form and will be added to our role. This helps to effectively maintain a safe and secure environment.
Faith Christian Church and all of its departments (including One Youth) subscribes to the ACC safe churches policy and has implemented the "SAFE CHURCHES" training in all volunteer teams. If you would like to know more about our child protection policy, the processes we take to maintain a safe environment, or our polices that outline the actions we take in the event of an incident, please send us a message. You can do this below in our contact us section.